The benefits of Pilates

A balanced body

Pilates improves the strength, flexibility, coordination, proprioception, posture, body awareness, and the breathing capacity, and releases unnecessary tension from the body. The method works the entire body and corrects and improves the posture and movement patterns that will help balance many of the imbalances that have been installed in our bodies from our lifestyle, due to too much sitting, weak muscles, tight muscles, muscle groups that have been overcompensating for weak body parts, from physical activities like running and cycling but not enough stretching, activities like golf and tennis where often one side of the body has been more engaged than the other, for the over flexible people who lack tonus and strength, and for many more.


The gentle stretching of Pilates exercises will release the tight muscles of the body, assist to maintain healthy joint space, and will improve your general quality and ability to move your body with fluidity, comfort and lightness.


Pilates exercises engage the entire body with emphasis on the core, which consists of the abs, pelvic region, buttocks and the back, focusing to strengthen the deepest layers of the muscles in correlation to the superficial ones, strengthening, toning lengthening the muscles of the entire body.

Releases tension of body and mind.

Breathing helps to eliminate stress and tension and regenerates the body to a sensation of wellbeing after each class. The global bodywork of the Pilates method helps to release the so often tight muscles and body parts (neck, shoulders, back and stomach), it balances the body and helps to release all other excess tension. The focus and concentration demanded in a Pilates session will help to improve the faculty of concentration and will help to relieve the mind from our everyday concerns.

Prevents and helps to restore from injuries

The Pilates exercises will help to prevent injuries as one becomes stronger and more flexible, with an improved alignment of the body. The movements will generate articular fluids, boost cellular activity, and stimulate bone density, which means that the body will be less prone to injuries and will be more resistant to the everyday wear and tear.